Source code for pytds.tds_types

This module implements various data types supported by Microsoft SQL Server
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import datetime
import decimal
import struct
import re
import uuid
import functools
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from typing import Callable

from pytds.tds_base import read_chunks
from . import tds_base
from .collate import ucs2_codec, raw_collation
from . import tz

_flt4_struct = struct.Struct("f")
_flt8_struct = struct.Struct("d")
_utc = tz.utc

TzInfoFactoryType = Callable[[int], datetime.tzinfo]

def _applytz(dt, tzinfo):
    if not tzinfo:
        return dt
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
    return dt

def _decode_num(buf):
    """Decodes little-endian integer from buffer

    Buffer can be of any size
    return functools.reduce(
        lambda acc, val: acc * 256 + tds_base.my_ord(val), reversed(buf), 0

[docs] class PlpReader(object): """Partially length prefixed reader Spec: """ def __init__(self, r): """ :param r: An instance of :class:`_TdsReader` """ self._rdr = r size = r.get_uint8() self._size = size
[docs] def is_null(self): """ :return: True if stored value is NULL """ return self._size == tds_base.PLP_NULL
[docs] def is_unknown_len(self): """ :return: True if total size is unknown upfront """ return self._size == tds_base.PLP_UNKNOWN
[docs] def size(self): """ :return: Total size in bytes if is_uknown_len and is_null are both False """ return self._size
[docs] def chunks(self): """Generates chunks from stream, each chunk is an instace of bytes.""" if self.is_null(): return total = 0 while True: chunk_len = self._rdr.get_uint() if chunk_len == 0: if not self.is_unknown_len() and total != self._size: msg = ( "PLP actual length (%d) doesn't match reported length (%d)" % (total, self._size) ) self._rdr.session.bad_stream(msg) return total += chunk_len left = chunk_len while left: buf = self._rdr.recv(left) yield buf left -= len(buf)
class _StreamChunkedHandler(object): def __init__(self, stream): = stream def add_chunk(self, val): def end(self): return class _DefaultChunkedHandler(object): def __init__(self, stream): = stream def add_chunk(self, val): def end(self): value = return value def __eq__(self, other): return == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class SqlTypeMetaclass(tds_base.CommonEqualityMixin): def __repr__(self): return "<sqltype:{}>".format(self.get_declaration()) def get_declaration(self): raise NotImplementedError() class ImageType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "IMAGE" class BinaryType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "BINARY({})".format(self._size) class VarBinaryType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "VARBINARY({})".format(self._size) class VarBinaryMaxType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "VARBINARY(MAX)" class CharType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "CHAR({})".format(self._size) class VarCharType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "VARCHAR({})".format(self._size) class VarCharMaxType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "VARCHAR(MAX)" class NCharType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "NCHAR({})".format(self._size) class NVarCharType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, size=30): self._size = size @property def size(self): return self._size def get_declaration(self): return "NVARCHAR({})".format(self._size) class NVarCharMaxType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "NVARCHAR(MAX)" class TextType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "TEXT" class NTextType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "NTEXT" class XmlType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "XML" class SmallMoneyType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "SMALLMONEY" class MoneyType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "MONEY" class DecimalType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def __init__(self, precision=18, scale=0): self._precision = precision self._scale = scale @classmethod def from_value(cls, value): if not (-(10**38) + 1 <= value <= 10**38 - 1): raise tds_base.DataError("Decimal value is out of range") with decimal.localcontext() as context: context.prec = 38 value = value.normalize() _, digits, exp = value.as_tuple() if exp > 0: scale = 0 prec = len(digits) + exp else: scale = -exp prec = max(len(digits), scale) return cls(precision=prec, scale=scale) @property def precision(self): return self._precision @property def scale(self): return self._scale def get_declaration(self): return "DECIMAL({}, {})".format(self._precision, self._scale) class UniqueIdentifierType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" class VariantType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "SQL_VARIANT" class SqlValueMetaclass(tds_base.CommonEqualityMixin): pass
[docs] class BaseTypeSerializer(tds_base.CommonEqualityMixin): """Base type for TDS data types. All TDS types should derive from it. In addition actual types should provide the following: - type - class variable storing type identifier """ type = 0 def __init__(self, precision=None, scale=None, size=None): self._precision = precision self._scale = scale self._size = size @property def precision(self): return self._precision @property def scale(self): return self._scale @property def size(self): return self._size
[docs] def get_typeid(self): """Returns type identifier of type.""" return self.type
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): """Class method that reads and returns a type instance. :param r: An instance of :class:`_TdsReader` to read type from. Should be implemented in actual types. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_info(self, w): """Writes type info into w stream. :param w: An instance of :class:`_TdsWriter` to write into. Should be symmetrical to from_stream method. Should be implemented in actual types. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write(self, w, value): """Writes type's value into stream :param w: An instance of :class:`_TdsWriter` to write into. :param value: A value to be stored, should be compatible with the type Should be implemented in actual types. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, r): """Reads value from the stream. :param r: An instance of :class:`_TdsReader` to read value from. :return: A read value. Should be implemented in actual types. """ raise NotImplementedError
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): raise ValueError("Column type does not support chunk handler")
[docs] class BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): """Base type for primitive TDS data types. Primitive type is a fixed size type with no type arguments. All primitive TDS types should derive from it. In addition actual types should provide the following: - type - class variable storing type identifier - declaration - class variable storing name of sql type - isntance - class variable storing instance of class """
[docs] def write(self, w, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, r): raise NotImplementedError
instance: BaseTypeSerializer | None = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): return cls.instance
[docs] def write_info(self, w): pass
[docs] class BaseTypeSerializerN(BaseTypeSerializer): """Base type for nullable TDS data types. All nullable TDS types should derive from it. In addition actual types should provide the following: - type - class variable storing type identifier - subtypes - class variable storing dict {subtype_size: subtype_instance} """ subtypes: dict[int, BaseTypeSerializer] = {} def __init__(self, size): super(BaseTypeSerializerN, self).__init__(size=size) assert size in self.subtypes self._current_subtype = self.subtypes[size]
[docs] def get_typeid(self): return self._current_subtype.get_typeid()
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_byte() if size not in cls.subtypes: raise tds_base.InterfaceError("Invalid %s size" % cls.type, size) return cls(size)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_byte(self.size)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None if size not in self.subtypes: raise r.session.bad_stream("Invalid %s size" % self.type, size) return self.subtypes[size].read(r)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_byte(0) return w.put_byte(self.size) self._current_subtype.write(w, val)
class BitType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBBITN def get_declaration(self): return "BIT" class TinyIntType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBINTN size = 1 def get_declaration(self): return "TINYINT" class SmallIntType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBINTN size = 2 def get_declaration(self): return "SMALLINT"
[docs] class IntType(SqlTypeMetaclass): """ Integer type, corresponds to `INT <>`_ type in the MSSQL server. """ type = tds_base.SYBINTN size = 4 def get_declaration(self): return "INT"
class BigIntType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBINTN size = 8 def get_declaration(self): return "BIGINT" class RealType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "REAL" class FloatType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "FLOAT"
[docs] class BitSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBBIT declaration = "BIT"
[docs] def write(self, w, value): w.put_byte(1 if value else 0)
[docs] def read(self, r): return bool(r.get_byte())
BitSerializer.instance = bit_serializer = BitSerializer()
[docs] class BitNSerializer(BaseTypeSerializerN): type = tds_base.SYBBITN subtypes = {1: bit_serializer} def __init__(self, typ): super(BitNSerializer, self).__init__(size=1) self._typ = typ def __repr__(self): return "BitNSerializer({})".format(self._typ)
# BitNSerializer.instance = BitNSerializer(BitType())
[docs] class TinyIntSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBINT1 declaration = "TINYINT"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.put_byte(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.get_byte()
TinyIntSerializer.instance = tiny_int_serializer = TinyIntSerializer()
[docs] class SmallIntSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBINT2 declaration = "SMALLINT"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.put_smallint(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.get_smallint()
SmallIntSerializer.instance = small_int_serializer = SmallIntSerializer()
[docs] class IntSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBINT4 declaration = "INT"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.put_int(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.get_int()
IntSerializer.instance = int_serializer = IntSerializer()
[docs] class BigIntSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBINT8 declaration = "BIGINT"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.put_int8(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.get_int8()
BigIntSerializer.instance = big_int_serializer = BigIntSerializer()
[docs] class IntNSerializer(BaseTypeSerializerN): type = tds_base.SYBINTN subtypes = { 1: tiny_int_serializer, 2: small_int_serializer, 4: int_serializer, 8: big_int_serializer, } type_by_size = { 1: TinyIntType(), 2: SmallIntType(), 4: IntType(), 8: BigIntType(), } def __init__(self, typ): super(IntNSerializer, self).__init__(size=typ.size) self._typ = typ
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_byte() if size not in cls.subtypes: raise tds_base.InterfaceError("Invalid %s size" % cls.type, size) return cls(cls.type_by_size[size])
def __repr__(self): return "IntN({})".format(self.size)
[docs] class RealSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBREAL declaration = "REAL"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.pack(_flt4_struct, val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.unpack(_flt4_struct)[0]
RealSerializer.instance = real_serializer = RealSerializer()
[docs] class FloatSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBFLT8 declaration = "FLOAT"
[docs] def write(self, w, val): w.pack(_flt8_struct, val)
[docs] def read(self, r): return r.unpack(_flt8_struct)[0]
FloatSerializer.instance = float_serializer = FloatSerializer()
[docs] class FloatNSerializer(BaseTypeSerializerN): type = tds_base.SYBFLTN subtypes = { 4: real_serializer, 8: float_serializer, }
class VarChar(SqlValueMetaclass): def __init__(self, val, collation=raw_collation): self._val = val self._collation = collation @property def collation(self): return self._collation @property def val(self): return self._val def __str__(self): return self._val
[docs] class VarChar70Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.XSYBVARCHAR def __init__(self, size, collation=raw_collation, codec=None): super(VarChar70Serializer, self).__init__(size=size) self._collation = collation if codec: self._codec = codec else: self._codec = collation.get_codec()
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_smallint() return cls(size, codec=r.session.conn.server_codec)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_smallint(self.size)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_smallint(-1) else: if w._tds._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: val = tds_base.force_unicode(val) if isinstance(val, str): val, _ = self._codec.encode(val) w.put_smallint(len(val)) w.write(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_smallint() if size < 0: return None if r._session._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: return r.read_str(size, self._codec) else: return tds_base.readall(r, size)
[docs] class VarChar71Serializer(VarChar70Serializer):
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_smallint() collation = r.get_collation() return cls(size, collation)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): super(VarChar71Serializer, self).write_info(w) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] class VarChar72Serializer(VarChar71Serializer):
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() collation = r.get_collation() if size == 0xFFFF: return VarCharMaxSerializer(collation) return cls(size, collation)
[docs] class VarCharMaxSerializer(VarChar72Serializer): def __init__(self, collation=raw_collation): super(VarChar72Serializer, self).__init__(0, collation) self._chunk_handler = None
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_usmallint(tds_base.PLP_MARKER) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_uint8(tds_base.PLP_NULL) else: if w._tds._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: val = tds_base.force_unicode(val) if isinstance(val, str): val, _ = self._codec.encode(val) # Putting the actual length here causes an error when bulk inserting: # # While reading current row from host, a premature end-of-message # was encountered--an incoming data stream was interrupted when # the server expected to see more data. The host program may have # terminated. Ensure that you are using a supported client # application programming interface (API). # # See # It is not known why this happens, but Microsoft's bcp tool # uses PLP_UNKNOWN for varchar(max) as well. w.put_uint8(tds_base.PLP_UNKNOWN) if len(val) > 0: w.put_uint(len(val)) w.write(val) w.put_uint(0)
[docs] def read(self, r): login = r._session._tds._login r = PlpReader(r) if r.is_null(): return None if self._chunk_handler is None: if login.bytes_to_unicode: self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(StringIO()) else: self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(BytesIO()) if login.bytes_to_unicode: for chunk in tds_base.iterdecode(r.chunks(), self._codec): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) else: for chunk in r.chunks(): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end()
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class NVarChar70Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.XSYBNVARCHAR def __init__(self, size, collation=raw_collation): super(NVarChar70Serializer, self).__init__(size=size) self._collation = collation
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() return cls(size / 2)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_usmallint(self.size * 2)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_usmallint(0xFFFF) else: if isinstance(val, bytes): val = tds_base.force_unicode(val) buf, _ = ucs2_codec.encode(val) length = len(buf) w.put_usmallint(length) w.write(buf)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_usmallint() if size == 0xFFFF: return None return r.read_str(size, ucs2_codec)
[docs] class NVarChar71Serializer(NVarChar70Serializer):
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() collation = r.get_collation() return cls(size / 2, collation)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): super(NVarChar71Serializer, self).write_info(w) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] class NVarChar72Serializer(NVarChar71Serializer):
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() collation = r.get_collation() if size == 0xFFFF: return NVarCharMaxSerializer(collation=collation) return cls(size / 2, collation=collation)
[docs] class NVarCharMaxSerializer(NVarChar72Serializer): def __init__(self, collation=raw_collation): super(NVarCharMaxSerializer, self).__init__(size=-1, collation=collation) self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(StringIO()) def __repr__(self): return "NVarCharMax(s={},c={})".format(self.size, repr(self._collation))
[docs] def get_typeid(self): return tds_base.SYBNTEXT
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_usmallint(tds_base.PLP_MARKER) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_uint8(tds_base.PLP_NULL) else: if isinstance(val, bytes): val = tds_base.force_unicode(val) val, _ = ucs2_codec.encode(val) # Putting the actual length here causes an error when bulk inserting: # # While reading current row from host, a premature end-of-message # was encountered--an incoming data stream was interrupted when # the server expected to see more data. The host program may have # terminated. Ensure that you are using a supported client # application programming interface (API). # # See # It is not known why this happens, but Microsoft's bcp tool # uses PLP_UNKNOWN for nvarchar(max) as well. w.put_uint8(tds_base.PLP_UNKNOWN) if len(val) > 0: w.put_uint(len(val)) w.write(val) w.put_uint(0)
[docs] def read(self, r): r = PlpReader(r) if r.is_null(): return None for chunk in tds_base.iterdecode(r.chunks(), ucs2_codec): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end()
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class XmlSerializer(NVarCharMaxSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBMSXML declaration = "XML" def __init__(self, schema=None): super(XmlSerializer, self).__init__(0) self._schema = schema or {} def __repr__(self): return "XmlSerializer(schema={})".format(repr(self._schema))
[docs] def get_typeid(self): return self.type
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): has_schema = r.get_byte() schema = {} if has_schema: schema["dbname"] = r.read_ucs2(r.get_byte()) schema["owner"] = r.read_ucs2(r.get_byte()) schema["collection"] = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(schema)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): if self._schema: w.put_byte(1) w.put_byte(len(self._schema["dbname"])) w.write_ucs2(self._schema["dbname"]) w.put_byte(len(self._schema["owner"])) w.write_ucs2(self._schema["owner"]) w.put_usmallint(len(self._schema["collection"])) w.write_ucs2(self._schema["collection"]) else: w.put_byte(0)
[docs] class Text70Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBTEXT declaration = "TEXT" def __init__(self, size=0, table_name="", collation=raw_collation, codec=None): super(Text70Serializer, self).__init__(size=size) self._table_name = table_name self._collation = collation if codec: self._codec = codec else: self._codec = collation.get_codec() self._chunk_handler = None def __repr__(self): return "Text70(size={},table_name={},codec={})".format( self.size, self._table_name, self._codec )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() table_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(size, table_name, codec=r.session.conn.server_codec)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_int(-1) else: if w._tds._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: val = tds_base.force_unicode(val) if isinstance(val, str): val, _ = self._codec.encode(val) w.put_int(len(val)) w.write(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None tds_base.readall(r, size) # textptr tds_base.readall(r, 8) # timestamp colsize = r.get_int() if self._chunk_handler is None: if r._session._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(StringIO()) else: self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(BytesIO()) if r._session._tds._login.bytes_to_unicode: for chunk in tds_base.iterdecode(read_chunks(r, colsize), self._codec): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) else: for chunk in read_chunks(r, colsize): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end()
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class Text71Serializer(Text70Serializer): def __repr__(self): return "Text71(size={}, table_name={}, collation={})".format( self.size, self._table_name, repr(self._collation) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() collation = r.get_collation() table_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(size, table_name, collation)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] class Text72Serializer(Text71Serializer): def __init__(self, size=0, table_name_parts=(), collation=raw_collation): super(Text72Serializer, self).__init__( size=size, table_name=".".join(table_name_parts), collation=collation ) self._table_name_parts = table_name_parts
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() collation = r.get_collation() num_parts = r.get_byte() parts = [] for _ in range(num_parts): parts.append(r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint())) return cls(size, parts, collation)
[docs] class NText70Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBNTEXT declaration = "NTEXT" def __init__(self, size=0, table_name="", collation=raw_collation): super(NText70Serializer, self).__init__(size=size) self._collation = collation self._table_name = table_name self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(StringIO()) def __repr__(self): return "NText70(size={}, table_name={})".format(self.size, self._table_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() table_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(size, table_name)
[docs] def read(self, r): textptr_size = r.get_byte() if textptr_size == 0: return None tds_base.readall(r, textptr_size) # textptr tds_base.readall(r, 8) # timestamp colsize = r.get_int() for chunk in tds_base.iterdecode(read_chunks(r, colsize), ucs2_codec): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end()
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size * 2)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_int(-1) else: w.put_int(len(val) * 2) w.write_ucs2(val)
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class NText71Serializer(NText70Serializer): def __repr__(self): return "NText71(size={}, table_name={}, collation={})".format( self.size, self._table_name, repr(self._collation) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() collation = r.get_collation() table_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(size, table_name, collation)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size) w.put_collation(self._collation)
[docs] class NText72Serializer(NText71Serializer): def __init__(self, size=0, table_name_parts=(), collation=raw_collation): super(NText72Serializer, self).__init__(size=size, collation=collation) self._table_name_parts = table_name_parts def __repr__(self): return "NText72Serializer(s={},table_name={},coll={})".format( self.size, self._table_name_parts, self._collation )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() collation = r.get_collation() num_parts = r.get_byte() parts = [] for _ in range(num_parts): parts.append(r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint())) return cls(size, parts, collation)
[docs] class Binary(bytes, SqlValueMetaclass): def __repr__(self): return "Binary({0})".format(super(Binary, self).__repr__())
[docs] class VarBinarySerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.XSYBVARBINARY def __init__(self, size): super(VarBinarySerializer, self).__init__(size=size) def __repr__(self): return "VarBinary({})".format(self.size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() return cls(size)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_usmallint(self.size)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_usmallint(0xFFFF) else: w.put_usmallint(len(val)) w.write(val)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_usmallint() if size == 0xFFFF: return None return tds_base.readall(r, size)
[docs] class VarBinarySerializer72(VarBinarySerializer): def __repr__(self): return "VarBinary72({})".format(self.size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_usmallint() if size == 0xFFFF: return VarBinarySerializerMax() return cls(size)
[docs] class VarBinarySerializerMax(VarBinarySerializer): def __init__(self): super(VarBinarySerializerMax, self).__init__(0) self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(BytesIO()) def __repr__(self): return "VarBinaryMax()"
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_usmallint(tds_base.PLP_MARKER)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_uint8(tds_base.PLP_NULL) else: w.put_uint8(len(val)) if val: w.put_uint(len(val)) w.write(val) w.put_uint(0)
[docs] def read(self, r): r = PlpReader(r) if r.is_null(): return None for chunk in r.chunks(): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end()
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class UDT72Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): # Data type definition stream used for UDT_INFO in TYPE_INFO # def __init__( self, max_byte_size, db_name, schema_name, type_name, assembly_qualified_name ): self.max_byte_size = max_byte_size self.db_name = db_name self.schema_name = schema_name self.type_name = type_name self.assembly_qualified_name = assembly_qualified_name super(UDT72Serializer, self).__init__() def __repr__(self): return ( "UDT72Serializer(max_byte_size={}, db_name={}, " "schema_name={}, type_name={}, " "assembly_qualified_name={})".format( *map( repr, ( self.max_byte_size, self.db_name, self.schema_name, self.type_name, self.assembly_qualified_name, ), ) ) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): # MAX_BYTE_SIZE max_byte_size = r.get_usmallint() assert max_byte_size == 0xFFFF or 1 < max_byte_size < 8000 # DB_NAME -- B_VARCHAR db_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_byte()) # SCHEMA_NAME -- B_VARCHAR schema_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_byte()) # TYPE_NAME -- B_VARCHAR type_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_byte()) # UDT_METADATA -- # a US_VARCHAR (2 bytes length prefix) # containing ASSEMBLY_QUALIFIED_NAME assembly_qualified_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls( max_byte_size, db_name, schema_name, type_name, assembly_qualified_name )
[docs] def read(self, r): r = PlpReader(r) if r.is_null(): return None return b"".join(r.chunks())
[docs] class UDT72SerializerMax(UDT72Serializer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UDT72SerializerMax, self).__init__(0, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Image70Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBIMAGE declaration = "IMAGE" def __init__(self, size=0, table_name=""): super(Image70Serializer, self).__init__(size=size) self._table_name = table_name self._chunk_handler = _DefaultChunkedHandler(BytesIO()) def __repr__(self): return "Image70(tn={},s={})".format(repr(self._table_name), self.size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() table_name = r.read_ucs2(r.get_smallint()) return cls(size, table_name)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 16: # Jeff's hack tds_base.readall(r, 16) # textptr tds_base.readall(r, 8) # timestamp colsize = r.get_int() for chunk in read_chunks(r, colsize): self._chunk_handler.add_chunk(chunk) return self._chunk_handler.end() else: return None
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_int(-1) return w.put_int(len(val)) w.write(val)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size)
def set_chunk_handler(self, chunk_handler): self._chunk_handler = chunk_handler
[docs] class Image72Serializer(Image70Serializer): def __init__(self, size=0, parts=()): super(Image72Serializer, self).__init__(size=size, table_name=".".join(parts)) self._parts = parts def __repr__(self): return "Image72(p={},s={})".format(self._parts, self.size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() num_parts = r.get_byte() parts = [] for _ in range(num_parts): parts.append(r.read_ucs2(r.get_usmallint())) return Image72Serializer(size, parts)
_datetime_base_date = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1) class SmallDateTimeType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "SMALLDATETIME" class DateTimeType(SqlTypeMetaclass): def get_declaration(self): return "DATETIME"
[docs] class SmallDateTime(SqlValueMetaclass): """Corresponds to MSSQL smalldatetime""" def __init__(self, days, minutes): """ @param days: Days since 1900-01-01 @param minutes: Minutes since 00:00:00 """ self._days = days self._minutes = minutes @property def days(self): return self._days @property def minutes(self): return self._minutes def to_pydatetime(self): return _datetime_base_date + datetime.timedelta( days=self._days, minutes=self._minutes ) @classmethod def from_pydatetime(cls, dt): days = (dt - _datetime_base_date).days minutes = dt.hour * 60 + dt.minute return cls(days=days, minutes=minutes)
[docs] class BaseDateTimeSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer):
[docs] def write(self, w, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_info(self, w): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, r): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class SmallDateTimeSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer, BaseDateTimeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBDATETIME4 declaration = "SMALLDATETIME" _struct = struct.Struct("<HH")
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val.tzinfo: if not w.session.use_tz: raise tds_base.DataError( "Timezone-aware datetime is used without specifying use_tz" ) val = val.astimezone(w.session.use_tz).replace(tzinfo=None) dt = SmallDateTime.from_pydatetime(val) w.pack(self._struct, dt.days, dt.minutes)
[docs] def read(self, r): days, minutes = r.unpack(self._struct) dt = SmallDateTime(days=days, minutes=minutes) tzinfo = None if r._session.tzinfo_factory is not None: tzinfo = r._session.tzinfo_factory(0) return dt.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
SmallDateTimeSerializer.instance = ( small_date_time_serializer ) = SmallDateTimeSerializer()
[docs] class DateTime(SqlValueMetaclass): """Corresponds to MSSQL datetime""" MIN_PYDATETIME = datetime.datetime(1753, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) MAX_PYDATETIME = datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 997000) def __init__(self, days, time_part): """ @param days: Days since 1900-01-01 @param time_part: Number of 1/300 of seconds since 00:00:00 """ self._days = days self._time_part = time_part @property def days(self): return self._days @property def time_part(self): return self._time_part def to_pydatetime(self): ms = int(round(self._time_part % 300 * 10 / 3.0)) secs = self._time_part // 300 return _datetime_base_date + datetime.timedelta( days=self._days, seconds=secs, milliseconds=ms ) @classmethod def from_pydatetime(cls, dt): if not (cls.MIN_PYDATETIME <= dt <= cls.MAX_PYDATETIME): raise tds_base.DataError("Datetime is out of range") days = (dt - _datetime_base_date).days ms = dt.microsecond // 1000 tm = (dt.hour * 60 * 60 + dt.minute * 60 + dt.second) * 300 + int( round(ms * 3 / 10.0) ) return cls(days=days, time_part=tm)
[docs] class DateTimeSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer, BaseDateTimeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBDATETIME declaration = "DATETIME" _struct = struct.Struct("<ll")
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val.tzinfo: if not w.session.use_tz: raise tds_base.DataError( "Timezone-aware datetime is used without specifying use_tz" ) val = val.astimezone(w.session.use_tz).replace(tzinfo=None) w.write(self.encode(val))
[docs] def read(self, r): days, t = r.unpack(self._struct) tzinfo = None if r.session.tzinfo_factory is not None: tzinfo = r.session.tzinfo_factory(0) return _applytz(self.decode(days, t), tzinfo)
@classmethod def encode(cls, value): if type(value) == value = datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.time(0, 0, 0)) dt = DateTime.from_pydatetime(value) return cls._struct.pack(dt.days, dt.time_part) @classmethod def decode(cls, days, time_part): dt = DateTime(days=days, time_part=time_part) return dt.to_pydatetime()
DateTimeSerializer.instance = date_time_serializer = DateTimeSerializer()
[docs] class DateTimeNSerializer(BaseTypeSerializerN, BaseDateTimeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBDATETIMN subtypes = { 4: small_date_time_serializer, 8: date_time_serializer, }
_datetime2_base_date = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) class DateType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATE def get_declaration(self): return "DATE" class Date(SqlValueMetaclass): MIN_PYDATE =, 1, 1) MAX_PYDATE =, 12, 31) def __init__(self, days): """ Creates sql date object @param days: Days since 0001-01-01 """ self._days = days @property def days(self): return self._days def to_pydate(self): """ Converts sql date to Python date @return: Python date """ return (_datetime2_base_date + datetime.timedelta(days=self._days)).date() @classmethod def from_pydate(cls, pydate): """ Creates sql date object from Python date object. @param pydate: Python date @return: sql date """ return cls( days=( datetime.datetime.combine(pydate, datetime.time(0, 0, 0)) - _datetime2_base_date ).days ) class TimeType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBMSTIME def __init__(self, precision=7): self._precision = precision @property def precision(self): return self._precision def get_declaration(self): return "TIME({0})".format(self.precision) class Time(SqlValueMetaclass): def __init__(self, nsec): """ Creates sql time object. Maximum precision which sql server supports is 100 nanoseconds. Values more precise than 100 nanoseconds will be truncated. @param nsec: Nanoseconds from 00:00:00 """ self._nsec = nsec @property def nsec(self): return self._nsec def to_pytime(self): """ Converts sql time object into Python's time object this will truncate nanoseconds to microseconds @return: naive time """ nanoseconds = self._nsec hours = nanoseconds // 1000000000 // 60 // 60 nanoseconds -= hours * 60 * 60 * 1000000000 minutes = nanoseconds // 1000000000 // 60 nanoseconds -= minutes * 60 * 1000000000 seconds = nanoseconds // 1000000000 nanoseconds -= seconds * 1000000000 return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds // 1000) @classmethod def from_pytime(cls, pytime): """ Converts Python time object to sql time object ignoring timezone @param pytime: Python time object @return: sql time object """ secs = pytime.hour * 60 * 60 + pytime.minute * 60 + pytime.second nsec = secs * 10**9 + pytime.microsecond * 1000 return cls(nsec=nsec) class DateTime2Type(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATETIME2 def __init__(self, precision=7): self._precision = precision @property def precision(self): return self._precision def get_declaration(self): return "DATETIME2({0})".format(self.precision) class DateTime2(SqlValueMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATETIME2 def __init__(self, date, time): """ Creates datetime2 object @param date: sql date object @param time: sql time object """ self._date = date self._time = time @property def date(self): return self._date @property def time(self): return self._time def to_pydatetime(self): """ Converts datetime2 object into Python's datetime.datetime object @return: naive datetime.datetime """ return datetime.datetime.combine(self._date.to_pydate(), self._time.to_pytime()) @classmethod def from_pydatetime(cls, pydatetime): """ Creates sql datetime2 object from Python datetime object ignoring timezone @param pydatetime: Python datetime object @return: sql datetime2 object """ return cls( date=Date.from_pydate(, time=Time.from_pytime(pydatetime.time), ) class DateTimeOffsetType(SqlTypeMetaclass): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATETIMEOFFSET def __init__(self, precision=7): self._precision = precision @property def precision(self): return self._precision def get_declaration(self): return "DATETIMEOFFSET({0})".format(self.precision) class DateTimeOffset(SqlValueMetaclass): def __init__(self, date, time, offset): """ Creates datetime2 object @param date: sql date object in UTC @param time: sql time object in UTC @param offset: time zone offset in minutes """ self._date = date self._time = time self._offset = offset def to_pydatetime(self): """ Converts datetimeoffset object into Python's datetime.datetime object @return: time zone aware datetime.datetime """ dt = datetime.datetime.combine(self._date.to_pydate(), self._time.to_pytime()) from .tz import FixedOffsetTimezone return dt.replace(tzinfo=_utc).astimezone(FixedOffsetTimezone(self._offset))
[docs] class BaseDateTime73Serializer(BaseTypeSerializer):
[docs] def write(self, w, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_info(self, w): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, r): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): raise NotImplementedError
_precision_to_len = { 0: 3, 1: 3, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 5, 7: 5, } def _write_time(self, w, t, prec): val = t.nsec // (10 ** (9 - prec)) w.write(struct.pack("<Q", val)[: self._precision_to_len[prec]]) @staticmethod def _read_time(r, size, prec): time_buf = tds_base.readall(r, size) val = _decode_num(time_buf) val *= 10 ** (7 - prec) nanoseconds = val * 100 return Time(nsec=nanoseconds) @staticmethod def _write_date(w, value): days = value.days buf = struct.pack("<l", days)[:3] w.write(buf) @staticmethod def _read_date(r): days = _decode_num(tds_base.readall(r, 3)) return Date(days=days)
[docs] class MsDateSerializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer, BaseDateTime73Serializer): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATE declaration = "DATE" def __init__(self, typ): super(MsDateSerializer, self).__init__() self._typ = typ
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): return cls(DateType())
[docs] def write(self, w, value): if value is None: w.put_byte(0) else: w.put_byte(3) self._write_date(w, Date.from_pydate(value))
def read_fixed(self, r): return self._read_date(r).to_pydate()
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None return self._read_date(r).to_pydate()
[docs] class MsTimeSerializer(BaseDateTime73Serializer): type = tds_base.SYBMSTIME def __init__(self, typ): super(MsTimeSerializer, self).__init__( precision=typ.precision, size=self._precision_to_len[typ.precision] ) self._typ = typ @classmethod def read_type(cls, r): prec = r.get_byte() return TimeType(precision=prec)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): return cls(cls.read_type(r))
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_byte(self._typ.precision)
[docs] def write(self, w, value): if value is None: w.put_byte(0) else: if value.tzinfo: if not w.session.use_tz: raise tds_base.DataError( "Timezone-aware datetime is used without specifying use_tz" ) value = value.astimezone(w.session.use_tz).replace(tzinfo=None) w.put_byte(self.size) self._write_time(w, Time.from_pytime(value), self._typ.precision)
def read_fixed(self, r, size): res = self._read_time(r, size, self._typ.precision).to_pytime() if r.session.tzinfo_factory is not None: tzinfo = r.session.tzinfo_factory(0) res = res.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) return res
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None return self.read_fixed(r, size)
[docs] class DateTime2Serializer(BaseDateTime73Serializer): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATETIME2 def __init__(self, typ): super(DateTime2Serializer, self).__init__( precision=typ.precision, size=self._precision_to_len[typ.precision] + 3 ) self._typ = typ
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): prec = r.get_byte() return cls(DateTime2Type(precision=prec))
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_byte(self._typ.precision)
[docs] def write(self, w, value): if value is None: w.put_byte(0) else: if value.tzinfo: if not w.session.use_tz: raise tds_base.DataError( "Timezone-aware datetime is used without specifying use_tz" ) value = value.astimezone(w.session.use_tz).replace(tzinfo=None) w.put_byte(self.size) self._write_time(w, Time.from_pytime(value), self._typ.precision) self._write_date(w, Date.from_pydate(value))
def read_fixed(self, r, size): time = self._read_time(r, size - 3, self._typ.precision) date = self._read_date(r) dt = DateTime2(date=date, time=time) res = dt.to_pydatetime() if r.session.tzinfo_factory is not None: tzinfo = r.session.tzinfo_factory(0) res = res.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) return res
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None return self.read_fixed(r, size)
[docs] class DateTimeOffsetSerializer(BaseDateTime73Serializer): type = tds_base.SYBMSDATETIMEOFFSET def __init__(self, typ): super(DateTimeOffsetSerializer, self).__init__( precision=typ.precision, size=self._precision_to_len[typ.precision] + 5 ) self._typ = typ
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): prec = r.get_byte() return cls(DateTimeOffsetType(precision=prec))
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_byte(self._typ.precision)
[docs] def write(self, w, value): if value is None: w.put_byte(0) else: utcoffset = value.utcoffset() value = value.astimezone(_utc).replace(tzinfo=None) w.put_byte(self.size) self._write_time(w, Time.from_pytime(value), self._typ.precision) self._write_date(w, Date.from_pydate(value)) w.put_smallint(int(tds_base.total_seconds(utcoffset)) // 60)
def read_fixed(self, r, size): time = self._read_time(r, size - 5, self._typ.precision) date = self._read_date(r) offset = r.get_smallint() dt = DateTimeOffset(date=date, time=time, offset=offset) return dt.to_pydatetime()
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None return self.read_fixed(r, size)
[docs] class MsDecimalSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBDECIMAL _max_size = 17 _bytes_per_prec = [ # # precision can't be 0 but using a value > 0 assure no # core if for some bug it's 0... # 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, ] _info_struct = struct.Struct("BBB") def __init__(self, precision=18, scale=0): super(MsDecimalSerializer, self).__init__( precision=precision, scale=scale, size=self._bytes_per_prec[precision] ) if precision > 38: raise tds_base.DataError("Precision of decimal value is out of range") def __repr__(self): return "MsDecimal(scale={}, prec={})".format(self.scale, self.precision) @classmethod def from_value(cls, value): sql_type = DecimalType.from_value(value) return cls(scale=sql_type.scale, prec=sql_type.precision)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size, prec, scale = r.unpack(cls._info_struct) return cls(scale=scale, precision=prec)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.pack(self._info_struct, self.size, self.precision, self.scale)
[docs] def write(self, w, value): with decimal.localcontext() as context: context.prec = 38 if value is None: w.put_byte(0) return if not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): value = decimal.Decimal(value) value = value.normalize() scale = self.scale size = self.size w.put_byte(size) val = value positive = 1 if val > 0 else 0 w.put_byte(positive) # sign if not positive: val *= -1 size -= 1 val *= 10**scale for i in range(size): w.put_byte(int(val % 256)) val //= 256 assert val == 0
def _decode(self, positive, buf): val = _decode_num(buf) val = decimal.Decimal(val) with decimal.localcontext() as ctx: ctx.prec = 38 if not positive: val *= -1 val /= 10**self._scale return val def read_fixed(self, r, size): positive = r.get_byte() buf = tds_base.readall(r, size - 1) return self._decode(positive, buf)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size <= 0: return None return self.read_fixed(r, size)
[docs] class Money4Serializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBMONEY4 declaration = "SMALLMONEY"
[docs] def read(self, r): return decimal.Decimal(r.get_int()) / 10000
[docs] def write(self, w, val): val = int(val * 10000) w.put_int(val)
Money4Serializer.instance = money4_serializer = Money4Serializer()
[docs] class Money8Serializer(BasePrimitiveTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBMONEY declaration = "MONEY" _struct = struct.Struct("<lL")
[docs] def read(self, r): hi, lo = r.unpack(self._struct) val = hi * (2**32) + lo return decimal.Decimal(val) / 10000
[docs] def write(self, w, val): val *= 10000 hi = int(val // (2**32)) lo = int(val % (2**32)) w.pack(self._struct, hi, lo)
Money8Serializer.instance = money8_serializer = Money8Serializer()
[docs] class MoneyNSerializer(BaseTypeSerializerN): type = tds_base.SYBMONEYN subtypes = { 4: money4_serializer, 8: money8_serializer, }
[docs] class MsUniqueSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBUNIQUE declaration = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" instance: MsUniqueSerializer def __repr__(self): return "MsUniqueSerializer()"
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_byte() if size != 16: raise tds_base.InterfaceError("Invalid size of UNIQUEIDENTIFIER field") return cls.instance
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_byte(16)
[docs] def write(self, w, value): if value is None: w.put_byte(0) else: w.put_byte(16) w.write(value.bytes_le)
@staticmethod def read_fixed(r, size): return uuid.UUID(bytes_le=tds_base.readall(r, size))
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_byte() if size == 0: return None if size != 16: raise tds_base.InterfaceError("Invalid size of UNIQUEIDENTIFIER field") return self.read_fixed(r, size)
MsUniqueSerializer.instance = ms_unique_serializer = MsUniqueSerializer() def _variant_read_str(r, size): collation = r.get_collation() r.get_usmallint() return r.read_str(size, collation.get_codec()) def _variant_read_nstr(r, size): r.get_collation() r.get_usmallint() return r.read_str(size, ucs2_codec) def _variant_read_decimal(r, size): prec, scale = r.unpack(VariantSerializer.decimal_info_struct) return MsDecimalSerializer(precision=prec, scale=scale).read_fixed(r, size) def _variant_read_binary(r, size): r.get_usmallint() return tds_base.readall(r, size)
[docs] class VariantSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): type = tds_base.SYBVARIANT declaration = "SQL_VARIANT" decimal_info_struct = struct.Struct("BB") _type_map = { tds_base.GUIDTYPE: lambda r, size: ms_unique_serializer.read_fixed(r, size), tds_base.BITTYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.INT1TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.INT2TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.INT4TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.INT8TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.DATETIMETYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.DATETIM4TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.FLT4TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.FLT8TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.MONEYTYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.MONEY4TYPE: lambda r, size:, tds_base.DATENTYPE: lambda r, size: MsDateSerializer(DateType()).read_fixed(r), tds_base.TIMENTYPE: lambda r, size: MsTimeSerializer( TimeType(precision=r.get_byte()) ).read_fixed(r, size), tds_base.DATETIME2NTYPE: lambda r, size: DateTime2Serializer( DateTime2Type(precision=r.get_byte()) ).read_fixed(r, size), tds_base.DATETIMEOFFSETNTYPE: lambda r, size: DateTimeOffsetSerializer( DateTimeOffsetType(precision=r.get_byte()) ).read_fixed(r, size), tds_base.BIGVARBINTYPE: _variant_read_binary, tds_base.BIGBINARYTYPE: _variant_read_binary, tds_base.NUMERICNTYPE: _variant_read_decimal, tds_base.DECIMALNTYPE: _variant_read_decimal, tds_base.BIGVARCHRTYPE: _variant_read_str, tds_base.BIGCHARTYPE: _variant_read_str, tds_base.NVARCHARTYPE: _variant_read_nstr, tds_base.NCHARTYPE: _variant_read_nstr, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): size = r.get_int() return VariantSerializer(size)
[docs] def write_info(self, w): w.put_int(self.size)
[docs] def read(self, r): size = r.get_int() if size == 0: return None type_id = r.get_byte() prop_bytes = r.get_byte() type_factory = self._type_map.get(type_id) if not type_factory: r.session.bad_stream("Variant type invalid", type_id) return type_factory(r, size - prop_bytes - 2)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): if val is None: w.put_int(0) return raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class TableType(SqlTypeMetaclass): """ Used to serialize table valued parameters spec: """ def __init__(self, typ_schema, typ_name, columns): """ @param typ_schema: Schema where TVP type defined @param typ_name: Name of TVP type @param columns: List of column types """ if len(typ_schema) > 128: raise ValueError( "Schema part of TVP name should be no longer than 128 characters" ) if len(typ_name) > 128: raise ValueError( "Name part of TVP name should be no longer than 128 characters" ) if columns is not None: if len(columns) > 1024: raise ValueError("TVP cannot have more than 1024 columns") if len(columns) < 1: raise ValueError("TVP must have at least one column") self._typ_dbname = ( "" # dbname should always be empty string for TVP according to spec ) self._typ_schema = typ_schema self._typ_name = typ_name self._columns = columns def __repr__(self): return "TableType(s={},n={},cols={})".format( self._typ_schema, self._typ_name, repr(self._columns) ) def get_declaration(self): assert not self._typ_dbname if self._typ_schema: full_name = "{}.{}".format(self._typ_schema, self._typ_name) else: full_name = self._typ_name return "{} READONLY".format(full_name) @property def typ_schema(self): return self._typ_schema @property def typ_name(self): return self._typ_name @property def columns(self): return self._columns
[docs] class TableValuedParam(SqlValueMetaclass): """ Used to represent a value of table-valued parameter """ def __init__(self, type_name=None, columns=None, rows=None): # parsing type name self._typ_schema = "" self._typ_name = "" if type_name: parts = type_name.split(".") if len(parts) > 2: raise ValueError( "Type name should consist of at most 2 parts, e.g. dbo.MyType" ) self._typ_name = parts[-1] if len(parts) > 1: self._typ_schema = parts[0] self._columns = columns self._rows = rows @property def typ_name(self): return self._typ_name @property def typ_schema(self): return self._typ_schema @property def columns(self): return self._columns @property def rows(self): return self._rows def is_null(self): return self._rows is None def peek_row(self): try: rows = iter(self._rows) except TypeError: raise tds_base.DataError("rows should be iterable") try: row = next(rows) except StopIteration: # no rows raise tds_base.DataError( "Cannot infer columns from rows for TVP because there are no rows" ) else: # put row back self._rows = itertools.chain([row], rows) return row
[docs] class TableSerializer(BaseTypeSerializer): """ Used to serialize table valued parameters spec: """ type = tds_base.TVPTYPE
[docs] def read(self, r): """According to spec TDS does not support output TVP values""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_stream(cls, r): """According to spec TDS does not support output TVP values""" raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, table_type, columns_serializers): super(TableSerializer, self).__init__() self._table_type = table_type self._columns_serializers = columns_serializers @property def table_type(self): return self._table_type def __repr__(self): return "TableSerializer(t={},c={})".format( repr(self._table_type), repr(self._columns_serializers) )
[docs] def write_info(self, w): """ Writes TVP_TYPENAME structure spec: @param w: TdsWriter @return: """ w.write_b_varchar("") # db_name, should be empty w.write_b_varchar(self._table_type.typ_schema) w.write_b_varchar(self._table_type.typ_name)
[docs] def write(self, w, val): """ Writes remaining part of TVP_TYPE_INFO structure, resuming from TVP_COLMETADATA specs: @param w: TdsWriter @param val: TableValuedParam or None @return: """ if val.is_null(): w.put_usmallint(tds_base.TVP_NULL_TOKEN) else: columns = self._table_type.columns w.put_usmallint(len(columns)) for i, column in enumerate(columns): w.put_uint(column.column_usertype) w.put_usmallint(column.flags) # TYPE_INFO structure: serializer = self._columns_serializers[i] type_id = serializer.type w.put_byte(type_id) serializer.write_info(w) w.write_b_varchar("") # ColName, must be empty in TVP according to spec # here can optionally send TVP_ORDER_UNIQUE and TVP_COLUMN_ORDERING # # terminating optional metadata w.put_byte(tds_base.TVP_END_TOKEN) # now sending rows using TVP_ROW # if val.rows: for row in val.rows: w.put_byte(tds_base.TVP_ROW_TOKEN) for i, col in enumerate(self._table_type.columns): if not col.flags & tds_base.TVP_COLUMN_DEFAULT_FLAG: self._columns_serializers[i].write(w, row[i]) # terminating rows w.put_byte(tds_base.TVP_END_TOKEN)
_type_map = { tds_base.SYBINT1: TinyIntSerializer, tds_base.SYBINT2: SmallIntSerializer, tds_base.SYBINT4: IntSerializer, tds_base.SYBINT8: BigIntSerializer, tds_base.SYBINTN: IntNSerializer, tds_base.SYBBIT: BitSerializer, tds_base.SYBBITN: BitNSerializer, tds_base.SYBREAL: RealSerializer, tds_base.SYBFLT8: FloatSerializer, tds_base.SYBFLTN: FloatNSerializer, tds_base.SYBMONEY4: Money4Serializer, tds_base.SYBMONEY: Money8Serializer, tds_base.SYBMONEYN: MoneyNSerializer, tds_base.XSYBCHAR: VarChar70Serializer, tds_base.XSYBVARCHAR: VarChar70Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNCHAR: NVarChar70Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNVARCHAR: NVarChar70Serializer, tds_base.SYBTEXT: Text70Serializer, tds_base.SYBNTEXT: NText70Serializer, tds_base.SYBMSXML: XmlSerializer, tds_base.XSYBBINARY: VarBinarySerializer, tds_base.XSYBVARBINARY: VarBinarySerializer, tds_base.SYBIMAGE: Image70Serializer, tds_base.SYBNUMERIC: MsDecimalSerializer, tds_base.SYBDECIMAL: MsDecimalSerializer, tds_base.SYBVARIANT: VariantSerializer, tds_base.SYBMSDATE: MsDateSerializer, tds_base.SYBMSTIME: MsTimeSerializer, tds_base.SYBMSDATETIME2: DateTime2Serializer, tds_base.SYBMSDATETIMEOFFSET: DateTimeOffsetSerializer, tds_base.SYBDATETIME4: SmallDateTimeSerializer, tds_base.SYBDATETIME: DateTimeSerializer, tds_base.SYBDATETIMN: DateTimeNSerializer, tds_base.SYBUNIQUE: MsUniqueSerializer, } _type_map71 = _type_map.copy() _type_map71.update( { tds_base.XSYBCHAR: VarChar71Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNCHAR: NVarChar71Serializer, tds_base.XSYBVARCHAR: VarChar71Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNVARCHAR: NVarChar71Serializer, tds_base.SYBTEXT: Text71Serializer, tds_base.SYBNTEXT: NText71Serializer, } ) _type_map72 = _type_map.copy() _type_map72.update( { tds_base.XSYBCHAR: VarChar72Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNCHAR: NVarChar72Serializer, tds_base.XSYBVARCHAR: VarChar72Serializer, tds_base.XSYBNVARCHAR: NVarChar72Serializer, tds_base.SYBTEXT: Text72Serializer, tds_base.SYBNTEXT: NText72Serializer, tds_base.XSYBBINARY: VarBinarySerializer72, tds_base.XSYBVARBINARY: VarBinarySerializer72, tds_base.SYBIMAGE: Image72Serializer, tds_base.UDTTYPE: UDT72Serializer, } ) _type_map73 = _type_map72.copy() _type_map73.update( { tds_base.TVPTYPE: TableSerializer, } ) def sql_type_by_declaration(declaration): return _declarations_parser.parse(declaration)
[docs] class SerializerFactory(object): """ Factory class for TDS data types """ def __init__(self, tds_ver): self._tds_ver = tds_ver if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS73: self._type_map = _type_map73 elif self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: self._type_map = _type_map72 elif self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS71: self._type_map = _type_map71 else: self._type_map = _type_map def get_type_serializer(self, tds_type_id): type_class = self._type_map.get(tds_type_id) if not type_class: raise tds_base.InterfaceError("Invalid type id {}".format(tds_type_id)) return type_class def long_binary_type(self): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return VarBinaryMaxType() else: return ImageType() def long_varchar_type(self): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return VarCharMaxType() else: return TextType() def long_string_type(self): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return NVarCharMaxType() else: return NTextType() def datetime(self, precision): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return DateTime2Type(precision=precision) else: return DateTimeType() def has_datetime_with_tz(self): return self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72 def datetime_with_tz(self, precision): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return DateTimeOffsetType(precision=precision) else: raise tds_base.DataError( "Given TDS version does not support DATETIMEOFFSET type" ) def date(self): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return DateType() else: return DateTimeType() def time(self, precision): if self._tds_ver >= tds_base.TDS72: return TimeType(precision=precision) else: raise tds_base.DataError("Given TDS version does not support TIME type") def serializer_by_declaration(self, declaration, connection): sql_type = sql_type_by_declaration(declaration) return self.serializer_by_type( sql_type=sql_type, collation=connection.collation ) def serializer_by_type(self, sql_type, collation=raw_collation): typ = sql_type if isinstance(typ, BitType): return BitNSerializer(typ) elif isinstance(typ, TinyIntType): return IntNSerializer(typ) elif isinstance(typ, SmallIntType): return IntNSerializer(typ) elif isinstance(typ, IntType): return IntNSerializer(typ) elif isinstance(typ, BigIntType): return IntNSerializer(typ) elif isinstance(typ, RealType): return FloatNSerializer(size=4) elif isinstance(typ, FloatType): return FloatNSerializer(size=8) elif isinstance(typ, SmallMoneyType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMONEYN](size=4) elif isinstance(typ, MoneyType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMONEYN](size=8) elif isinstance(typ, CharType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBCHAR](size=typ.size, collation=collation) elif isinstance(typ, VarCharType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBVARCHAR]( size=typ.size, collation=collation ) elif isinstance(typ, VarCharMaxType): return VarCharMaxSerializer(collation=collation) elif isinstance(typ, NCharType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBNCHAR]( size=typ.size, collation=collation ) elif isinstance(typ, NVarCharType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBNVARCHAR]( size=typ.size, collation=collation ) elif isinstance(typ, NVarCharMaxType): return NVarCharMaxSerializer(collation=collation) elif isinstance(typ, TextType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBTEXT](collation=collation) elif isinstance(typ, NTextType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBNTEXT](collation=collation) elif isinstance(typ, XmlType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMSXML]() elif isinstance(typ, BinaryType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBBINARY]() elif isinstance(typ, VarBinaryType): return self._type_map[tds_base.XSYBVARBINARY](size=typ.size) elif isinstance(typ, VarBinaryMaxType): return VarBinarySerializerMax() elif isinstance(typ, ImageType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBIMAGE]() elif isinstance(typ, DecimalType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBDECIMAL]( scale=typ.scale, precision=typ.precision ) elif isinstance(typ, VariantType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBVARIANT](size=0) elif isinstance(typ, SmallDateTimeType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBDATETIMN](size=4) elif isinstance(typ, DateTimeType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBDATETIMN](size=8) elif isinstance(typ, DateType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMSDATE](typ) elif isinstance(typ, TimeType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMSTIME](typ) elif isinstance(typ, DateTime2Type): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMSDATETIME2](typ) elif isinstance(typ, DateTimeOffsetType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBMSDATETIMEOFFSET](typ) elif isinstance(typ, UniqueIdentifierType): return self._type_map[tds_base.SYBUNIQUE]() elif isinstance(typ, TableType): columns_serializers = None if typ.columns is not None: columns_serializers = [ self.serializer_by_type(col.type) for col in typ.columns ] return TableSerializer( table_type=typ, columns_serializers=columns_serializers ) else: raise ValueError("Cannot map type {} to serializer.".format(typ))
class DeclarationsParser(object): def __init__(self): declaration_parsers = [ ("bit", BitType), ("tinyint", TinyIntType), ("smallint", SmallIntType), ("(?:int|integer)", IntType), ("bigint", BigIntType), ("real", RealType), ("(?:float|double precision)", FloatType), ("(?:char|character)", CharType), ( r"(?:char|character)\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: CharType(size=int(size_str)), ), (r"(?:varchar|char(?:|acter)\s+varying)", VarCharType), ( r"(?:varchar|char(?:|acter)\s+varying)\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: VarCharType(size=int(size_str)), ), (r"varchar\(max\)", VarCharMaxType), (r"(?:nchar|national\s+(?:char|character))", NCharType), ( r"(?:nchar|national\s+(?:char|character))\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: NCharType(size=int(size_str)), ), (r"(?:nvarchar|national\s+(?:char|character)\s+varying)", NVarCharType), ( r"(?:nvarchar|national\s+(?:char|character)\s+varying)\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: NVarCharType(size=int(size_str)), ), (r"nvarchar\(max\)", NVarCharMaxType), ("xml", XmlType), ("text", TextType), (r"(?:ntext|national\s+text)", NTextType), ("binary", BinaryType), (r"binary\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: BinaryType(size=int(size_str))), ("(?:varbinary|binary varying)", VarBinaryType), ( r"(?:varbinary|binary varying)\((\d+)\)", lambda size_str: VarBinaryType(size=int(size_str)), ), (r"varbinary\(max\)", VarBinaryMaxType), ("image", ImageType), ("smalldatetime", SmallDateTimeType), ("datetime", DateTimeType), ("date", DateType), (r"time", TimeType), ( r"time\((\d+)\)", lambda precision_str: TimeType(precision=int(precision_str)), ), ("datetime2", DateTime2Type), ( r"datetime2\((\d+)\)", lambda precision_str: DateTime2Type(precision=int(precision_str)), ), ("datetimeoffset", DateTimeOffsetType), ( r"datetimeoffset\((\d+)\)", lambda precision_str: DateTimeOffsetType(precision=int(precision_str)), ), ("(?:decimal|dec|numeric)", DecimalType), ( r"(?:decimal|dec|numeric)\((\d+)\)", lambda precision_str: DecimalType(precision=int(precision_str)), ), ( r"(?:decimal|dec|numeric)\((\d+), ?(\d+)\)", lambda precision_str, scale_str: DecimalType( precision=int(precision_str), scale=int(scale_str) ), ), ("smallmoney", SmallMoneyType), ("money", MoneyType), ("uniqueidentifier", UniqueIdentifierType), ("sql_variant", VariantType), ] self._compiled = [ (re.compile(r"^" + regex + "$", re.IGNORECASE), constructor) for regex, constructor in declaration_parsers ] def parse(self, declaration): """ Parse sql type declaration, e.g. varchar(10) and return instance of corresponding type class, e.g. VarCharType(10) @param declaration: Sql declaration to parse, e.g. varchar(10) @return: instance of SqlTypeMetaclass """ declaration = declaration.strip() for regex, constructor in self._compiled: m = regex.match(declaration) if m: return constructor(*m.groups()) raise ValueError("Unable to parse type declaration", declaration) _declarations_parser = DeclarationsParser() class TdsTypeInferrer(object): def __init__( self, type_factory, collation=None, bytes_to_unicode=False, allow_tz=False ): """ Class used to do TDS type inference :param type_factory: Instance of TypeFactory :param collation: Collation to use for strings :param bytes_to_unicode: Treat bytes type as unicode string :param allow_tz: Allow usage of DATETIMEOFFSET type """ self._type_factory = type_factory self._collation = collation self._bytes_to_unicode = bytes_to_unicode self._allow_tz = allow_tz def from_value(self, value): """Function infers TDS type from Python value. :param value: value from which to infer TDS type :return: An instance of subclass of :class:`BaseType` """ if value is None: sql_type = NVarCharType(size=1) else: sql_type = self._from_class_value(value, type(value)) return sql_type def from_class(self, cls): """Function infers TDS type from Python class. :param cls: Class from which to infer type :return: An instance of subclass of :class:`BaseType` """ return self._from_class_value(None, cls) def _from_class_value(self, value, value_type): type_factory = self._type_factory bytes_to_unicode = self._bytes_to_unicode allow_tz = self._allow_tz if issubclass(value_type, bool): return BitType() elif issubclass(value_type, int): if value is None: return IntType() if -(2**31) <= value <= 2**31 - 1: return IntType() elif -(2**63) <= value <= 2**63 - 1: return BigIntType() elif -(10**38) + 1 <= value <= 10**38 - 1: return DecimalType(precision=38) else: return VarCharMaxType() elif issubclass(value_type, float): return FloatType() elif issubclass(value_type, Binary): if value is None or len(value) <= 8000: return VarBinaryType(size=8000) else: return type_factory.long_binary_type() elif issubclass(value_type, bytes): if bytes_to_unicode: return type_factory.long_string_type() else: return type_factory.long_varchar_type() elif issubclass(value_type, str): return type_factory.long_string_type() elif issubclass(value_type, datetime.datetime): if value and value.tzinfo and allow_tz: return type_factory.datetime_with_tz(precision=6) else: return type_factory.datetime(precision=6) elif issubclass(value_type, return elif issubclass(value_type, datetime.time): return type_factory.time(precision=6) elif issubclass(value_type, decimal.Decimal): if value is None: return DecimalType() else: return DecimalType.from_value(value) elif issubclass(value_type, uuid.UUID): return UniqueIdentifierType() elif issubclass(value_type, TableValuedParam): columns = value.columns rows = value.rows if columns is None: # trying to auto detect columns using data from first row if rows is None: # rows are not present too, this means # entire tvp has value of NULL pass else: # use first row to infer types of columns row = value.peek_row() columns = [] try: cell_iter = iter(row) except TypeError: raise tds_base.DataError( "Each row in table should be an iterable" ) for cell in cell_iter: if isinstance(cell, TableValuedParam): raise tds_base.DataError( "TVP type cannot have nested TVP types" ) col_type = self.from_value(cell) col = tds_base.Column(type=col_type) columns.append(col) return TableType( typ_schema=value.typ_schema, typ_name=value.typ_name, columns=columns ) else: raise tds_base.DataError( "Cannot infer TDS type from Python value: {!r}".format(value) )